The Grid


Design was created in Sketch and interactive layouts were shared using Invision. Comments were marked up using Invision Notes. Lastly Zeplin was used for handover to the dev team.


Including a video that explained our service really helped our users understand the product faster. It increased trust which led to increased conversion rates. 

I initiated the project and led the design, ensuring HiFX branding was consistent and signing off the storyboard and comps.


Mobile first approach

Making the site look great on a mobile is great for users and for the business. I always approach design mobile first. I do this by distilling all the content and information into the most easily digestible pieces.

Designs were created in Sketch, more complicated prototypes with effects were done in Principle.

The desktop designs follow the design language, but with the added luxury of more screen estate than mobile design.

Google rolled out the mobile friendly update in April 2016 and will take this a step further with Mobile first indexing in March 2021, a good mobile view of the site is a win for everyone.


Social proofing

Giving our users the ability to rate our service really helped drive trust. 

I scoped out a feed from the TrustPilot API and the latest reviews were displayed on the HiFX website.

The Grid


Working with teams across the business ensuring the site was GDPR compliant.


Conversion rate optimisation

A/B testing new messaging, design and functionality – and even pricing and products – helped generate additional revenue.

Gathering and working up ideas for monthly tests was part of the UX process.


Workflow management

We used ASANA to mange tasks within the team and keep everyone in the loop.



We communicated using Slack. Within the team we had a dedicated channel and also had sight of the wider dev team channels across the globe.

The Grid

HiFX People

Attracting the right people for vacancies is a crucial part of any growing business, I produced a microsite promoting our values, people and culture as well as a hub for any job vacancies.

The Grid

Internal research

Having a lens on our rich and vibrant company culture was one of the leading values we focused on. I really enjoyed working on this with my colleagues. I collected testimonials, did photoshoots of staff members, made videos which represented what my colleagues felt were the best things about working for HiFX.

The Grid


A version of the dashboard from a set of proposed prototypes.

The Grid


I designed a full trading flow and dashboard for our online services, working directly with our development team in Denver.